Hepatitis A (HAV) Seroconversion Panels are now available on Shopify

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Hepatitis A (HAV) Seroconversion Panels are now available on Shopify
Home » Featured Product » Hepatitis A (HAV) Seroconversion Panels are now available on Shopify

Access Biologicals is now offering Hepatitis A (HAV) Seroconversion Panels (Catalogue No: HAV001SCP) intended for use by diagnostic manufacturers and researchers during assay development, evaluation as well as troubleshooting HAV test methods. The HAV Seroconversion Panel consists of 23 members with each member containing 1 vial of 1.0 mL of human plasma. Panel members collected in this longitudinal series are from a single donor during the progression of an early HAV infection. This panel demonstrates the onset and decline of IgM and Ig total Hepatitis A virus antibodies and RNA titer over a period of 122 days. Panel members are undiluted, naturally occurring plasma samples collected in 4% sodium citrate. Units were aseptically filtered and no preservative has been added. All panel members are ready to use.

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